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Sunday, 14. July 2002
Week 5: Could Have Been Better!
This week has been a catch up week for me; I feel like I am a day late and a dollar behind. I have worked really hard this week on my forensics, doing some finishing touches. I thought that I would be finished with that class on Friday; however, since I had to miss on Thursday due to an illness, my teacher suggested on Friday, that I wait until Monday to take the final. He said that the class reviewed extensively on Thursday, as well as covering new material, so I would probably have difficulty answering numerous questions. It suggested that I copy a fellow classmates notes, so that is exactly what I did. I have been going over the notes, and some are really hard to follow, because they aren't my own; however, I am very grateful to Christina and Chad for sharing their notes. In addition, I am very appreciative to Dr. Little for allowing me to make up my test tomorrow. I have really enjoyed the assignments this week; I am finally starting to see some progress on my MRP, and it is all starting to come together better for me. Some of the assignments addressed in week for concerned the credibility of internet sites. I really think this was a very important topic to address, because there are some many unreliable sites available to us on the net; now, we will, at least, know what to look for to determine if the site is factual. On Tuesday, we met in class to discuss Power Point and questions and concerns we may be having. I had never done Power Point prior to Tuesday's meeting, and I think I am really going to enjoy it. Also, I have chose to use a Power Point Presentation to integrate my project. When I first looked at the agenda for week 5, I thought, "Wow, only six assignments!" However, those six assignments consisted of more time than probably any of the other weeks, with the exception of week 1. The genres are very time consuming. When I was working on my genres, I really didn't know what approach I wanted to take. Finally, I decided that the one I would submit for this week would be a lesson plan from a teacher. (I chose to use a lesson plan, because I want to use it to show how it needs to be modified to fit the needs of an Asperger child). I have not posted my second genre to my webliography yet, because I am still working on it. On Thursday, I received approval from a parent of an Asperger child that I may interview her son. I plan on doing this interview, either at the end of the week or the beginning of the following week. I have met this boy before; however, it was just in passing and I didn't really pay too close attention to some of the behaviors he exhibits. So, I am really looking forward to this interview; it should be really interesting. Through having this type of class, one thing I have really welcomed is the flexibility. Not the flexibility of time management, although that has been really nice, but the flexibility to modify or change parts of our projects. Typically, in other classes, you submit a paper, project, etc. and if you are anything like me, ten seconds later, you think of a way that would have made it even better. In this class, if we come across a better idea, we just have to edit; so, that has been really nice. I have had one major problem this week, and it concerns posting assignments to the class list. My "post" option is no longer available from the yahoo groups page, so I tried to send it from my direct e-mail, but it will not post to the class list, because my e-mails are "bouncing." So, I have all these assignments saved, yet cannot post them. I have sent an e-mail to Yahoo to see if they can direct me, but I haven't received a response. I have just checked my e-mail again, and Mrs. McComas has informed me that I am probably no longer a member since I had planned on changing my address. So, I think everything will be fine once I e-mail her the address I am using, so I can be added to the list again; WHEW!:)
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