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Friday, 5. July 2002
Learning Highlights
It is hard to come up with a story and talk about a time I learned something. Everyday, we expand our horizons a little more than the day before. Whether it is learning a new dance, the appropriate steps to use when performing CPR, how to create a webliography, etc., there is always something new we can learn. Also, although we may think that we have mastered a particular entity, there is always something new that has been left undiscovered. Learning never stops. Of course, like anyone else, I can list countless amounts of things I have learned, but the situations, in which I learned a particular thing is harder to recall. So, why is it that we continue to learn everyday, but the events that are easiest to recall are those that caused great amounts of frustration? Is it for the fact that it leaves a greater impression on us, because we felt inferior to the ones who were able to grasp the information easily, leaving us feeling embarrassed, or is it for the reason that all the practice and time we dedicated to learning the information made the event more memorable? In my opinion, I feel it was a little of both. I remember when I was in gymnastics, my friend, Libby and I were and had always been very competitive. She and I started gymnastics together on the same day. We both tried very hard to be the FIRST to do what ever the task was. Athletically, I had always felt really secure about myself, so when Libby was the first to do a standing tuck, I was envious and practiced so hard, everyday, so I could do the same. Since we were so competitive, the fact that she was able to do something I couldn't, she was forever boasting about how she could tumble so much better that I could. Day after day, I worked so hard, hoping I would accomplish my goal to be able to do the same as Libby, only better. Although I worked so hard, one day, I decided that I probably wouldn't be able to do a standing tuck, so I thought that I would just try a pass that she couldn't do, so I would have one up on her. I was so proud when I came up with a pass, I knew for certain that she would have to work really hard if she ever wanted to do it. Instead when I showed her my new pass, she didn't try it or say it was good, etc., instead she said, "So what, you can't even do a standing tuck!" It may sound odd, and some may only think that this was a crazy sport and it doesn't matter whether or not I, but I learned a very important lesson that day; perseverance pays off. I continued to persue until I accomplished my goal. Through this experience, I have learned that sometimes others may catch on to something very easily, but that doesn't mean that I won't eventually. I am not saying that I don't get frustrated and sometimes feel like giving up, God knows that I sometimes feel this way, but I know that if I continue to study, practice, etc., I will be able to do the task at hand. Learning is a process; one that may consist of much time and patience. In addition, it is a process that includes a lot of practice and great endurance, but those who are willing to engage themselves into these types of practices are those who, in the long run, will be rewarded.
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