Summer-Dawn's Weblog
Sunday, 30. June 2002
Personal Values

My parents have always emphasized the importance of obtaining a higher education; a high school education is not enough. I have always been taught that they more I know, the more I can receive, both in a materialistic perspective as well as in a intellectual one. I must say, however, my parents are forever supportive and allow me to choose what I want to make of my life. If I chose to move to the waters somewhere and be a beach bum, disappointed they would be, but they would respect my decision. I feel it is for the up bringing, from my family, that I am carefree. I understand my priorities, but I know there is so much more to life than just academics. I know what is expected of me academically, but the family value that has been driven into me the most is that family is first and foremost. If it means spending late nights on a computer or in the books just to see my youngest brother(Hunter)skate, listen to my other brother(Peyton) talk about Shantessa(his little sweetheart), watch my youngest sister(Hailey) draw me beautiful pictures, and talk about everything in life with my 17 year-old sister, Brittany(Bee), I am more than willing to hold off on my assignments for the time being. I think it is for the family values I have received that I am, and will continue to be, a much stronger individual than if I had all of the knowledge in the world.

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Last modified: 7/21/02, 5:54 AM
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A Mother's Voice
This piece will be presented to parents of children you suffer from...
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Honest, Responsible, Energetic, and Cheerful Daughter of encouraging parents who believe...
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