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Sunday, 23. June 2002
Week Two...Time Does Not Stop!
As week three is almost underway, I am beginning to feel very anxious. It just seems like there is just so much material and so little time. I am becoming a little overwhelmed and tired. I am not used to starting my mornings as earlier as I have had to; since I commute, I have to get up rather early for my eight o'clock class. I am not used to my life being on a clock. In the regular term classes, I usually have a break where I can relax for a second, do some homework, etc. However, my summer class schedule is quite the contrary. After my morning class, I go straight to work, in Eastbank, with the exception of Tuesdays (since we have the MOO) and Fridays (I use this day to catch up on things that I just didn't have time to do). When I return home, I eat dinner and then I start on my homework. I must say, I really miss having leisurely time; however, I do like my schedule being tight, because there is no time left for me to procrastinate. This week, I have noticed that I am constantly tripping over myself. Instead of just getting an assignment completed, I really take advantage of all the options that are available to use by using the net. If I read something interesting in an article, I do web searches to try to find out more information about the subject. So, what I think will not take a lot of time to complete, ends up being hours of reseaching information. When this happens, so much time elapses; this can sometimes be a scary factor since I do have a busy schedule. When I am at my computer, it is almost as though, time just stops. It is good that I am really able to obtain and learn a lot of information. However, I am really try to displine myself a little better; otherwise, I will not get my assignments completed. Usually, when I read a text book, newspaper, etc., I take in some, but not all of the information. However, when I read something on the computer, I really take it in. I am not saying that it is always easy to understand all of it, but if I am confused, I will read the material over and over until I feel that I have a good grasp on the information presented. I assume that I am able to do this because I do not pay attention to time. Unlike when I read anything else, other than a book I CHOOSE to read, I constantly look to see what time it is. I guess I just don't get bored as easy when I am using a computer. It is for this fact, I feel I should probably scan material that I need to study to aid for a better study method:) I think it is funny how you can read the same article more than once, and each time you read it, you are left with a different impression as the time before. This happen to me when I read the articles used to complete assignment 1.1.10. As I read the article on information literacy, my first impression was positive. I thought this is the way learning should be. I thought how Mrs. McComas's class, as well as a few others I have had in the past, are conducted and how it fulfills the principles to generate information literacy. However, after I read the other articles, that discussed the same ideas, I came to a point of bitterness. I thought how there are many teachers in our school systems that deny students of this idea. So, instead of discussing the positive aspects of information literacy, I focused on the negative aspect. I am not usually pessimistic; however, since I did have such a horrible personal experience, I wanted to address the inequlity of information literacy in our school systems. I need to go back and write an essential question. I am still thinking of ways I want to address my question. In conclusion, this week has been another week of learning lots of new information. The articles are very informative. The only big problem I had this week was subscribing to a mailing list. I kept getting responses that it was unsuccessful. I am going to reread the information on how to successfully subscribe to a mailing list. I am probably making some silly mistake; hopefully, I will be able to get it worked out. I wish all a very unstressful upcoming week:)
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