Summer-Dawn's Weblog |
Monday, 17. June 2002
Week One...WHEW!
I am finally submitting my journal for week one. I didn't get to do it until now, because I went home for the weekend. This weekend, like all others, was over before it started. Since this is a journal, I am going to assume that it is safe to discuss some of the events that took place thoughout the week. This summer session, I am taking, of course, this class, as well as a Forensic Science class. Monday, when I went to my forensic's class, as I was sitting in the hall with other classmats, a student announced that class had been canceled. Later that day, of course, I went to the CD 315 class. As I sat, listening to the information, the one thing that was imprinted into my mind the most was that we needed to stay on top of things. I have always been told that the first step to recovering is to admit that you have a problem. So, I must say, I am a procrastinator. Whew...that was difficult! So, it should come as no surprise when I say that my biggest concern in this class is the flexibility issue. One of my goals for this class is to discipline myself and learn to, not only beat the deadline, but to keep on top of assignments. The information I received from the computer lab on Monday has been really benefical. In my forensic's class, we go over different murder cases and then have to obtain as many resources as possible from the web. On Monday, after class, I came home and completed assignments 1.1-1.4. The assignments consisted basically of reading some selected material, setting up a username and password, etc. So far so good, I didn't have any questions. On Tuesday, immediately after work, I called my supervisor and found out that the meeting had been canceled. Luckily, I was able to attend the MOO meeting at the scheduled time, instead of having to play catch up. Also, that evening, I finished assignments 1.5-1.7. The introduction was simple; however, the weblog made me nervous. I am not too computer literate, so I was afraid that I had done something wrong or wasn't completing all of the steps since it was so easy to set up. I probably checked my URL address a dozen times before sending it to the class. As for Wednesday and Thursday, I devoted most of my time to my forensic's homework. Also, I had CPI and CPR trainning, so those days were rather busy. As I said earlier, I went home for the weekend, so this now brings me to the present. I feel that this week as gone well overall. Basically, it was used to introduce us to materials and devises we will be using later on. I read some of the journals, and I must comment on Mary's; I think her idea to create a weblog for NSSHLA would be great! Finally, my expectations for this class would be to become more computer literate, learn to ask questions, and build an even better rapport with my fellow classmates.
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