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Friday, 16. August 2002
Journal 10: Tears of Joy and Sadness!
Well, we have all said over and over again, I can't believe that it is almost over; now, we have reached that point. So, how do I feel about that fact? Actually, I have mixed feelings. Although this was a summer class, my first thought was that I wanted it to last a long time, not because I thought I would enjoy it, but for the fact that I knew saying good-bye to this class inevitably meant saying good-bye to the summer; a summer that I haven't even realized existed, because I have taken summer classes during all sessions. However, now that it is over, it is not only difficult to take in that it is time to get back to the old grind, but also that I have deeply enjoyed this class, more than I have ever tried to imagine enjoying a class, and it is now time to end this chapter and begin a new book-my senior year. This week I took time finishing my PowerPoint Presentation from a mother's view point. Now that I look at it, it seems so simple. However, that was not the case at all; it took me forever to figure out how I wanted it to be arranged. The problem I felt I ran into time after time again was that it just seemed to professional for what a mother would want to point out. I feel that keeping it simple was definitely the way to go. Also, I chose to replace my lesson plan with the PowerPoint Presentation; I just felt the lesson plan wasn't allowing me to tie all of the material together as well. In additon, I created three more journal entries in the voice of a child with AS; I felt this allowed the journal section to be more thorough and informative. Of course, I also spent this week adding new ideas in my reflection section and putting some last minute finishing touches and on my project as a whole. So what can I say about CD 315? This class has given me and shown me so much. For example, even thought I know that there is still so much I have left to learn, this class has allowed me to become more confident with myself and computer skills. Also, I feel that my fellow classmates and teacher have developed a more intimate relationship with one another. I am the type of person who does not like to ask questions; I know this is bad to say, but I just sit in my seat hoping that the people in my class will have the same questions, so I can get answers. However, this class, being an internet class, doesn't allow one to do that as easily. Of course, we have yahoo groups, but for me, when I am not in face to face contact, I need to address my questions in my own manner, so I can receive the exact answer I hope for. Hopefully, the self confidence this class has allowed me to gain will encourage me in the classes to come that it is okay to ask questions; everyone has them. Another very important thing I learned is the importance of creating a topic through Word or some other program; never do it from the weblog. I could have saved so much time, earlier in my endeavors if I would have followed this advice:) In a way, I have expressed how I dread to see the summer come to an end. However, this class has made me a little eager to begin the fall semester. I know that it is going to be hard, consisting of a lot of time, energy, and discipline, but I am also sure that it will be interesting. As I step into new semesters in this field and take different classes, I have realized that each one is a little better than the last, because they are more narrow rather than such a wide focus. One last time, I want to express, this has been a great experience. Being that this is the first time this class has ever been conducted in this type of manner, I must say, being the guinea pig was a very positive experience.
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