Summer-Dawn's Weblog
Sunday, 11. August 2002

Asperger Syndrome Coalition of the U.S. (2002). Retrieved July 21, 2002, from the Asperger Syndrome Coalition of the U.S.

Barnhill, Gena P. (2001). What Is Asperger Syndrome? Intervention in School and Clinic, 36, 259-65. Retrieved July 14, 2002, from ERIC database.

Church, Catharine; Alisanski, Susan; Amanullah, Siraj (2000). The Social, Behavioral, and Academic Experiences of Children with
Asperger Syndrome. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, p 12-20. Retrieved from the World Wide Web on July
16, 2002 from ERIC database.

Ghaziuddin, Mohammad (1995). Thought Disorder in Asperger Syndrome:
Comparison with High-Functioning Autism, p 311-17. Retrieved from
the World Wide Web on July 16, 2002 from ERIC database.

Ozonoff, Sally; South, Mikle; Miller, Judith N. (2000). DSM-IV-
Defined Asperger Syndrome: Cognitive, Behavioral and Early History
Differentiation from High-Functioning Autism. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice, p 29-46. Retrieved from the World Wide Web on July 16, 2002 from ERIC database.

Roe, Karen (1999). Asperger Syndrome and Terror. Focus on Autism
and Other Developmental Disabilities, p 251-53. Retrieved from the World Wide Web on July 16, 2002 from ERIC database.

Williams, Karen (1995). Understanding the Student with Asperger Syndrome: Guidelines for Teachers. Focus on Autistic Behavior, 10, 9-16. Retrieved July 14, 2002, from ERIC database.

Zolot, Deborah; Hess, Larry (1997). Cognitive and Educational Aspects of Asperger's Syndrome in an Inner-City Adolescent Male.
Retrieved from the World Wide Web on July 16, 2002 from ERIC database.


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March 2025
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A Mother's Voice
This piece will be presented to parents of children you suffer from...
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Welcome Everyone! This summer, in
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Asperger Syndrome Coalition
This piece will be used to assist parents of children who suffer...
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Welcome to Summer-Dawn's Webliography! When
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Genre 4: A Mother's Poem
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Genre 3: Pamphlet
Home Next: Poem
by SummerDawn99Mouth (8/12/02, 5:22 AM)
Preface The area of interest
I chose to focus on is Asperger Syndrome. I became...
by SummerDawn99Mouth (8/12/02, 5:19 AM)
References Asperger Syndrome Coalition of
the U.S. (2002). Retrieved July 21, 2002, from the Asperger...
by SummerDawn99Mouth (8/12/02, 5:18 AM)
About the Author Summer-Dawn
Honest, Responsible, Energetic, and Cheerful Daughter of encouraging parents who believe...
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Journal 9: Only One
Week Left! This morning when I got up, the first thing...
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