Summer-Dawn's Weblog
Monday, 5. August 2002
Week 8: Family, Friends, and Fun!

I have really had an enjoyable week. I only worked three days this week, because my family was coming in. Unfortnately, my aunt, uncle, and two cousins did not get to come. However, my other uncle and his daughter, Audrey, visited. I hadn't seen them in almost a year, which is really sad considering that they only live three hours away. Audrey is a very ambitious young lady. At only 15 years of age, she has already determined that she wants to study what causes brain deterioration. She is very interested with dementa, so I was able to share some stories with her (stories I now have from classes and visiting the nursing home on Wednesdays).

Speaking of the nursing home, last Tuesday, I took my client to visit "Mary's Garden"(this is the part where Christy's dad stays through the days). There was this lady there, we all call her Mama that refused to eat. For nearly two hours, three different female workers attempted to get her to eat but was unsuccessful. My client has a lot of issues, especially behavioral issues; however, she easily coaxed Mama to eat. While at the dinner table, Mama even made my client a Macaroni & Cheese sandwich. The workers were amazed by how Mama responded to my client; when I have taken her around any of the patients, they always respond positively to her. I have always felt that my client has a special gift; this may just be it.

Now to discuss a little about the ongoing events of our class...
I feel the Moo meeting Tuesday went great. It was nice having people who are typically superior to us ask us questions and want our point of view. One lady mentioned that she teaches both middle school and college and that she wanted to use the MRP for both age groups. I thought this was a great; I liked the idea that she would assign the students one genre per each six weeks. Also, we discussed how the MRP could be used for any subject; I feel more teachers should start using this method.

I didn't get a chance to work with my powerpoint presentation any this week; however, I am still deciding whether or not I should keep the one I have or try to finish the one from the mother's prospective. Deep down, I feel that I should use the one from the mother; I am just having a really difficult time trying to present different slides, because I want it to be a certain way, a way that I haven't quite discovered yet.

As for the assignments, when I went to create the one "About the Author" I used a poem to describe who I am. I hope you don't mind that I borrowed the idea from you, but I just loved it, so creative.

I can't believe that we only have two weeks left. I really dreaded taking a summer class this close to school starting again; however, I really have enjoyed it. This has definitely been a huge learning experience.

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