Summer-Dawn's Weblog
Monday, 29. July 2002
Week 7: A Bitter-Sweet Week

What can I say about this has been one of learning to accept and cope, reminicing with old friends, and of course, responsibility of time management, or the lack of.

I had planned to have a very enjoyable week this week. My client was going to church camp, so I wouldn't be working. I thought of things I could do and finally decided that it would be in my best interest to do something where I would have access of the internet whenever I needed, so I decided to spend the majority of the weekend with my grandparents. While I was there, I really got a chance to catch up with things that had been going on; my grandmother and I always, for as long as I can remember, catch up over a game of cards During our games, the topics were mainly my grandfather's health and all the new pills the doctors have him on, my grandmother's blood count, etc. These types of conversations have taken place for nearly three years now; it is really sad that when people grow older that their lives usually revolve around medical issues and encounters. During the week, my grandmother and I went to the cancer center to have her blood count read; normally, it is very low. Numerous tests have been ran, but no confirmation has been determined; there has been a concern that she could have Leukoplakia(not too sure on the spelling). However, this time, her count was up to 3.5. Now, that still isn't normal, but it is the best result we have received in a long time, so we thank God for this!

On a sadder note, Thursday, one of the greatest men I have ever known past away. He was my friend, Libby's(I have mentioned her before) grandfather. Until I was probably twelve years old, I didn't realize that he wasn't my own grandfather. I have called him "Poppy" since the very first day I met him; a day that was so long ago, I cannot even remember when it was. Last night, I had to say good-bye to him; that was very difficult. Not only was that hard, but just to look in Granny's eyes, as well as many of the other family members, was almost more than I could take. After the wake last night, my parents and I went back to Libby's house. While we were there, so many people that I haven't seen in so long came up; it was really nice to see all of their faces and to hear about how their lives had changed since I had seen them last.

Moving on, I found time to get a lot of my work completed, edited, and replaced. I have addressed in a previous journal that one of the things I liked most about the way this class is conducted is that we have the flexibility to modify and change our subscriptions as often as we need to. However, I am started to doubt that comment. I am constantly trying to figure out what I can do to make the genre better, even if that means replacing it, which is yielding to a lot more work. No seriously, I really do like the flexibility being able to change our work; I just feel I probably need to be more selective when choosing a genre. With that in mind, I hope it is ok for now, but I am a little torn in between two of my genres; these consist of the journal and the lesson plan, so right now, I have seven genres. I promise, by Wednesday, I will eliminate one of the two. Also, I created two powerpoint presentations. The one I have posted is the one that just informs about Asperger Syndrome. The other is a mother's perspective; it is incomplete, but I think it my end up being better in the end; therefore, I may be making some changes next week.

In concern to the peer response, I must be honest in saying, at first, I thought it was a horrible idea. I don't like giving critism when I cannot see the person, because you never know how they will take it. Also, I was worried that I would write something, and when one of my group members read the comments, they would misconstrue what I was actually trying to express. However, the comments have really been beneficial. It is so easy to look over a mistake, such as a typo, and no matter how many times you read over it, continue to over look it. By doing these peer responses, I have gained six others eyes. Also, the suggestions, although I haven't used may of them "yet", and I emphasize yet, have been very helpful. Now, I have a much better view on the peer responses and no longer fear giving constructive criticism.

Overall, I feel that my MRP is really developing well. I am starting to feel a little proud of my accomplishments thus far. I know that with more work, thought, and time, my project will get better; there is always more for improvement, especially since I can't make up my mind which genres and powerpoint presentation I want to use.

The only question I have for this week, concerns what I wrote about earlier in my journal, and that is whether or not it is okay to have seven genres at this time until I can determine which one I should use?

Also, I read your comment about the journal, and I know that we have to submit two journals, but I got busy with something else. I probably shouldn't have submitted it; sorry about the confusion:)

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