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Monday, 22. July 2002
A 2.3.5: Inquiry and Literacy
How can the educator transform a need for literacy into a want for literacy? In order for an individual to be literate, he/she needs to have a good understanding on the three Rs-reading, writing, and research. As a mentor, I have found that when any of the 3 Rs are discussed to a child, the child responds by either addressing a negative comment or making a face. Why is it that children are not interested in wanting to be literate? Is it for the fact that their superior are constantly presenting the ability to be literate as a task rather than a gift? For children, there is simply no fun in becoming literate; they don’t understand how rewarding it is and will continue to be. So, how can we as educators make the need for literacy be a want for literacy to children? First, we need to realize that not all learning requires structure and does not have to occur in a classroom. Children love to be outside; therefore, the outdoors would be an excellent place to begin. They could find insects,leaves, flowers, etc., research the specific names. Then, they could be responsible for writing about their findings and reflecting on their experiences. To take it a step further, the children could share with one another or present to the class in a speech what they discovered and how their discoveries made them feel. That is only one of the numerous ways that literacy can be presented in a fun, yet constructive way. In return, by allowing the children to enjoy learning, the need for literacy becomes a want for literacy in the eyes of the children.
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