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Sunday, 11. August 2002
Content: In addition to the genres, each topic had to have a unifying theme; this is a very critical part. The unifying theme is used to tie all of the information together, so the reader is easily able to understand what the author is conveying. Other components that were needed in order to complete the MRP were a table of contents, about the author, acknowledgments, preface, and references. Process: My final saga was to tie all of the pieces together through the works of a unifying theme. I thought this was one of the most difficult part of the whole assignment. After some thought and consideration, I decided to keep it simple to the reader by creating an introduction, so the reader would know what is to come. There were still a few minuet details that I was considering. One of these included adding an introduction at the top of every genre; I felt this will ultimately help the reader to understand what the author is conveying. However, I thought it might be better to include that in my reflection, so it doesn't take away anything away from the works of the genres. For the mother's voice to be heard, I used a poem and a PowerPoint presentation. I thought the poem would really allow the reader to see the emotions the mother undergoes everyday of her child's life; although others may view him as different, to her, he isn't. Taking into consideration the audience (parents of children with AS), I chose to use a PowerPoint presentation from the mother is because I felt this would allow the audience to take in to a deeper degree the points addressed; it is a lot easier for people to listen to someone who is actually in there shoes than someone who they feel is pretending to act like they know everything. I used two genres in the voice of a child with AS; one was the interview with the clinician, which I thought was the most suitable person for the role, and the other was the journal entries. I wanted to convey to the audience the patterns the child used both receptively and expressively. I wanted the audience to realize that these children, like "normal" children, have good verbal skills. In the journal, I wanted to express all the emotions, feelings, and concerns this child deals with on a daily basis; he lives daily knowing that his peers aren't going to accept him. Finally, I used two genres in the voice of an Asperger Sydrome Coalition; these include the pamphlet and the other PowerPoint presentation. I chose the pamphlet, because it allows the reader to quickly see facts. As for the PowerPoint presentation, I felt a professional approach also needed to be used, being more detailed. Premise: Going back to the first day of class, I was, to say the least, a bit overwhelmed when discussing the course outline. I thought, “Okay, how is someone who is basically computer illiterate going to create a MRP?” However, now, looking back on the work I have completed, I feel a sense of accomplishment; it makes me proud that my entries came together better than I had anticipated that they would. Next: References ... Link
Asperger Syndrome Coalition of the U.S. (2002). Retrieved July 21, 2002, from the Asperger Syndrome Coalition of the U.S. Barnhill, Gena P. (2001). What Is Asperger Syndrome? Intervention in School and Clinic, 36, 259-65. Retrieved July 14, 2002, from ERIC database. Church, Catharine; Alisanski, Susan; Amanullah, Siraj (2000). The Social, Behavioral, and Academic Experiences of Children with Ghaziuddin, Mohammad (1995). Thought Disorder in Asperger Syndrome: Ozonoff, Sally; South, Mikle; Miller, Judith N. (2000). DSM-IV- Roe, Karen (1999). Asperger Syndrome and Terror. Focus on Autism Williams, Karen (1995). Understanding the Student with Asperger Syndrome: Guidelines for Teachers. Focus on Autistic Behavior, 10, 9-16. Retrieved July 14, 2002, from ERIC database. Zolot, Deborah; Hess, Larry (1997). Cognitive and Educational Aspects of Asperger's Syndrome in an Inner-City Adolescent Male. ... Link
Welcome Everyone!
This summer, in my Communication Disorder 315 class, we have been working on multigenre research projects (MRP). A MRP is used as an alternative to the traditional research papers for those of you who may be unfamilar with the idea. The topic I chose to focus on concerned Asperger Syndrome. For a complete listing of everything I completed in CD 315 this summer, click the topics link in the right hand column. I hope you will find the information helpful, as well as interesting and feel free to make any comments or suggestions. Table of Contents About the Author Acknowledgements Preface Poem: A Mother's Poem Child's Journal James's Feelings Interview: James and Summer (clinician) PowerPoint Presentation: Asperger Syndrome Coalition Webliography: About Summer-Dawn (author) Reflection ... Link |
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