Summer-Dawn's Weblog
Monday, 5. August 2002

Before this class, I felt that I knew a lot about computers, because I could use various search engines, e-mail, and some other minor things. However, until this summer, I never realized how computer illiterate I actually was; although I know that there is still so much to know about the computer, I also realize the accomplishments we have all made; we have learned so many computer skills. So, at this time that, I would like to thank Mrs. McComas for her knowledge to direct me in the right path to complete various assignments, for responding so quickly to e-mails, and for always being understanding when I know at times I could have drove her crazy with concerns and questions.

Also, this summer, there has been a major emphasis on the importance of teamwork. Without having my classmates, especially my group members, my project would be so much less than what it has become and continues to be. Thanks a lot CD 315 for your suggestions and thoughts:)

Finally, I would like to thank my mother for all of her help and support. She works with a child with Asperger Syndrome, so she was able to help me gain an even more personal understanding by sharing some of her thoughts and concerns with me. Thanks Mom!


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August 2002
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A Mother's Voice
This piece will be presented to parents of children you suffer from...
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Welcome Everyone! This summer, in
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Asperger Syndrome Coalition
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Genre 3: Pamphlet
Home Next: Poem
by SummerDawn99Mouth (8/12/02, 5:22 AM)
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Honest, Responsible, Energetic, and Cheerful Daughter of encouraging parents who believe...
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