Summer-Dawn's Weblog
Thursday, 25. July 2002
Child's Journal

June 3, 2002
I went to see Paul, my therapist, again yesterday. He is nice, but I don't know why I have to see him all the time. It isn't going to change the way I am or make me better like everyone else. I am always going to be different. I have to deal with that. But anyway, he says that I should keep daily logs or journals of my feelings, things that occur throughout the day, or what ever else I want to write about. I really don't want to do this, because it seems like something only girls do. But if I don't write things down, my mom told me that she wouldn't be buying me anymore comic books and I couldn't live without them, so I guess I will have to write something...

My parents found out when I was five that I had Asperger Syndrome. At first, the doctors said that I had Tourette's, (I think that is the way to spell it) 'cause I sometimes shake a little. I really don't see what the big deal is. I mean, I make pretty good grades. My mom says that I talk choppy (what does she know anyway). I guess I am different, at least the kids at school treat me like I am. Well, since it is the summer, things are a lot better. I don't have to worry about going to school and wonder what the kids are thinking or saying about me/even to me.

I really don't want to write much more, so I guess that will be enough for today since it is my first time doing this kind of thing.

July 1, 2002
As you can see, it has been a while since my last and only entry. Well, that's because I think this idea sucks! Today, mom took me to see Paul again. When he asked me if I had my journals, I laughed. My mom didn't understand why I was laughing, because she hasn't been looking at them (I have been telling her that they are personal, and I'd rather just share them with Paul). So, she was taking my word that I have been completing them. Boy, she sure is gullible. Well, when I got my journal out, the roof almost came off when Mom and Paul realized that there was just one entry. I thought the joke was on them, but it wasn't at all. Not only did my mom say that she wouldn't buy me any more comic books until I start writing things, but now, it is kind of like I am grounded. Mom makes me stay in the dining room, where there is nothing to do, for thirty whole minutes, and write whatever in this thing; boring! Then, when I am finished, she is going to skim over it to make sure I wrote something.

So what can I talk about? Well, I guess I can mention what happen yesterday. After I got home from the dentist, I went out to the alley, where all the kids play ball. (There is always a gang of them this time of the year) Anyway, when I went down there, I asked which team I could be on. One of the kids said, "Neither, you freak, who would want you! Why don't you just go on home, because you are weird and you suck!" Now, that I have written about this little situation, I don't know why. It isn't like it is something out of the ordinary. This always happens to me; the kids treat me like I am some bizarre character. However, since I am tired of writing in this stinking journal for today, I think I will just leave it, so there will be a sufficient amount, and to get my mom off my back for a while. Good riddens' for today!

July 2, 2002
Yesterday, I went to Granny's, because mom had to take my brother to the doctor to get his shots, so he can go to school. (I guess he has some kind of disease they have to get rid of so he can go) Anyway, I hate going to Granny's; the only thing she wants to do is treat me like I'm a little kid. One thing about her though, she can bake the best lasagna, which she served my lunch three minutes past lunch time! I really didn't get to do too much while I was there. I rode my bike and that was about it.

The best part of the day was when Mom and Ray. Not that I missed them, are you kidding!
Ray drives me crazy! He is always touching my things and getting everything out of place. If he ever touches my Pokemon cards again, I will kill him! They are mine, and I wish he would leave them alone. What was I talking about anyway? Oh, when Mom got home, she had bought me the new Balzee comic book! I wanted it so bad, that is why I am working on my journal again today. Mom said that I couldn't have it until I have at least five days completed, so day after tomorrow, look out, because I get my comic book! Thank God!

July 3, 2002
One more day until the big day. No, not the Fourth of July. I could really care less, but tomrrow I get my comic book. I can't wait to read it. I bet it will be even better than my last one. Even if it's not, I know it will still be awesome. Tomorrow, my family will be here for the holiday. I can't wait (just kidding, they get on my nerves).

Uncle Bob is lazy; he just sits on his butt bosing everyone around, making them serve him like he is some kind of king. Aunt BeeBee on the other hand is great except she thinks her kids are perfect. They are my cousins. One's name is Michael (he's the oldest) and the other is Steven (he is a little bit taller than me last time I saw him). They aren't like me and Ray, they act like they're not even bothers. They play with each other, but they never let me play, but I bet they will this time, because I am older and taller now.

July 4, 2002
Well, this has been another bad day. It is almost 9:00pm. I wish my cousins were already gone. Michael was taking a shower (in the night time), can you believe that! So, I had to wait until 8:28 to brush my teeth. I always brush them 8:12. That put my schedule off 16 whole minutes. That isn't the only thing that happens. When everyone got here, I noticed that I am now taller than Steven. Did that make a difference? You guessed it, it sure didn't! They still didn't let me play with them. They said I didn't know how to and called me stupid. Aunt BeeBee told them not to call me that, but they didn't get in trouble for it.

Finally, the last bad thing was that I don't get my comic book until tomorrow morning, because I didn't start on my journal until so late and Mom said it was too late to get it. She said I could have it as soon as I wake up if I finish my last journal tonight. It sure is going to be hard to sleep tonight, knowing I have a Balzee comic book waiting on me. Well, I am going to bed, so I can get my comic book sooner!

Next: Interview

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July 2002
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