Summer-Dawn's Weblog
Monday, 8. July 2002
Week 4: Happy Late Fourth!

Overall, this was a very fun. Since, I taking summer classes all summer, the longest break I have was the Fourth of July holiday break. My family and I had planned to go to our place in Tennessee; however, on Monday, my father had been sick for a week and finally we talked Mr. Stubborn into going to the doctor; there he found out that he has Shingles. Later that day, Dad's health decreased even more, and continued to throughout the next few days. On Wednesday, he phoned me to say that our plans to go to the lake would have to be canceled. I had assumed that we would not be going to the lake, so I was not surprised. Since I had already made plans to be off work, I decided to go home for the break and spend, it with Dad, with high hopes that he would be filling up to company.

On Thursday, Dad was feeling so much better; the doctor had warned him that he would feel extremely bad for a while and then have a good day, but this didn't mean that he would be better. That evening, my family and I celebrated the Fourth with a cook-out and fireworks. Matt graced us with his presence for a whole ten minutes; he was in a hurry since he had Tucker with him (Tucker is his parents' adorable puppy). Later that night, Dad said that we were going to Tennessee the following morning and EARLY! I reminded him that the doctor said that he would have good days and bad, and we didn't need to go, because we would be too far away if something happened, but my dad can be rather subborn and would not listen to what I was saying. That night, knowing that I wouldn't have the weekend to complete my homework, I worked on two of my assignments; these included learning highlights and learning needs. For learning highlights, I had a difficult time trying to decide on a story to discuss me as a learner. Finally, after some thought, I chose to describe an athletic experience rather than an academically based. As for the assignment on learning needs, the article was very interesting. There were numerous approaches, in which a probe could have been derived; I chose to focus my probe on the average teacher becoming the advanced practitioner. For some teachers, this will definitely be a lifelong process, as for others, it seems almost like second nature.

The weekend was really fun and relaxing. I didn't take any books; I just enjoyed my time with the family and the weather. Friday, we spent the day at our place taking it easy and went out on the lake for awhile. On Saturday, we went to Pidgeon Forge for the day. Today, was not as enjoyable; not only did I have to leave my family, but I had to come home to homework; my forensics paper is due Thursday. Speaking of my forensics class, this coming week is my last week. I really have enjoyed the class, but I am looking forward to it being over, so I will have more time for this class; in addition, more shut-down time to do things I want to do and need to do.

Today, when I got home, I completed the assignment where we had to take the VARK; I was not shocked that my results revealed that I am an aural learner. As for other assignments that I completed over the week, I think there were two reading assignments, and we had to surf the net using various search engines. I really need to start making little notes when I do these assignments, so I am able to discuss what I thought, disagreed with, had questions about, etc. I think when I am doing them that I will remember when it comes times to write my journal, and until this point I have, but I can't recall any specifics on these assignments; maybe, it is for the reason that I completed them so much earlier than the rest of my work for this week:) One last note, I have added more storage to my hotmail account, so I have decided to continue to use this account for this class.

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July 2002
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