Summer-Dawn's Weblog |
Sunday, 30. June 2002
Welcome to Summer-Dawn's Webliography!
When I attended school at Gilbert High School, we created a homepage where we had to link various sites; however, it was a different program, and I don't really recall exactly what we did, so this should be interesting. My Interests: I have always been interested in the field of forensic science, so I decided to take one of the classes this summer; it was a lot of fun. So, it is for this reason that two of my favorite sites include Crime Library and Crime TV. Also, on Fridays, I usually find time to watch Finally, a site I check out sometimes is E-Bay. Discipline Specific "Stuff": I am currently a senior at Marshall University . I am in the Department of Communication Disorders. This summer, I am taking CD 315, an internet class, and it has entailed of a lot of time & energy but has been fun. ASHA's mission is to ensure that all people with speech, language, and hearing disorders have access to quality services to help them communicate effectively. On this site you will find information to help you understand communication and communication disorders as well as a referral service, so you can get access to qualified professionals. Another site that provides pointers to where you can find information in the field of Speech Language Pathology is the Speech and Pathology Web Sites page. This site is very informative, including information that it general to organizations, etc. opposed to providing the information itself. One of the things I have enjoyed about this field of study was the sign language classes. Currently, I am teaching a client to sign, so she will be able to communicate more effectively with a deaf man that goes to her church. It is for these reasons, I have really enjoyed the American Sign Language site. Research Resources: I have chosen Asperger's Syndrome for my MRP. The following resourcing have been very informative sites to obtain information for my project: Asperger Syndrome Coalition of the U.S. (2002). Retrieved July 21, 2002, from the Asperger Syndrome Coalition of the U.S. Barnhill, Gena P. (2001). What Is Asperger Syndrome? Intervention in School and Clinic, 36, 259-65. Retrieved July 14, 2002, from ERIC database. Church, Catharine; Alisanski, Susan; Amanullah, Siraj (2000). The Social, Behavioral, and Academic Experiences of Children with Ghaziuddin, Mohammad (1995). Thought Disorder in Asperger Syndrome: Ozonoff, Sally; South, Mikle; Miller, Judith N. (2000). DSM-IV- Roe, Karen (1999). Asperger Syndrome and Terror. Focus on Autism Williams, Karen (1995). Understanding the Student with Asperger Syndrome: Guidelines for Teachers. Focus on Autistic Behavior, 10, 9-16. Retrieved July 14, 2002, from ERIC database. Zolot, Deborah; Hess, Larry (1997). Cognitive and Educational Aspects of Asperger's Syndrome in an Inner-City Adolescent Male. Next: Reflection ... Link
Foundation Questions
My essential question is, “In order to produce effective intervention, what does the professional need to understand about Asperger’s Syndrome?”In order to successful answer this question, I feel the following questions must be answered: 1. What is Asperger's Syndrome? 2. What pragmatic issues do individuals with Asperger's Syndrome demonstrate? 3. What are considered to be normal, pragmatic patterns? 4. Can individuals with Asperger's Syndrome learn normal, pragmatic patterns? ... Link
Personal Values
My parents have always emphasized the importance of obtaining a higher education; a high school education is not enough. I have always been taught that they more I know, the more I can receive, both in a materialistic perspective as well as in a intellectual one. I must say, however, my parents are forever supportive and allow me to choose what I want to make of my life. If I chose to move to the waters somewhere and be a beach bum, disappointed they would be, but they would respect my decision. I feel it is for the up bringing, from my family, that I am carefree. I understand my priorities, but I know there is so much more to life than just academics. I know what is expected of me academically, but the family value that has been driven into me the most is that family is first and foremost. If it means spending late nights on a computer or in the books just to see my youngest brother(Hunter)skate, listen to my other brother(Peyton) talk about Shantessa(his little sweetheart), watch my youngest sister(Hailey) draw me beautiful pictures, and talk about everything in life with my 17 year-old sister, Brittany(Bee), I am more than willing to hold off on my assignments for the time being. I think it is for the family values I have received that I am, and will continue to be, a much stronger individual than if I had all of the knowledge in the world. ... Link ... Next page
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