Summer-Dawn's Weblog
Sunday, 23. June 2002
Personal History

The reason I chose to become a SLP is rather an odd and embarrassing story. From as long as I can remember, I wanted to be an prosecuting attorney. So, when I started college, I had planned to major in Pre-Law. There were many factors that came to play that helped me realize that it was not meant for me to pursue this type of career. One of the biggest factors came from my political science class. Not only did I not like the class, but also I was shocked when I received information on the statistics of an average lawyer. My teacher, who was a lawyer himself, said that an actual lawyer's salory is only about, $15,000/year; he said that people are really misinformed and assume that all attorneys do well, when the fact is that most are unemployed or barely making a living. This information made me really uneasy. Also, my parents were constantly telling me that I was the kind of person who seems to be very socially oriented, as well as the type that like to help people. For these reasons, I started researching different careers, one night, that was offered at Marshall. I clicked on communication disorders; to be honest, I really didn't know what this would entail. All I knew was that I was suppose to make my schedule the next day. I felt by saying that I was UNDECIDED, I would be letting people down, so I decided that I would declare communication disorders as my major until I decided what I wanted to do with my life. Since all the classes required permission, I went to see Mrs. McComas the next day. That day we made my schedule, and I was all set for the next semester to begin.

It wasn't until CD 101 that I found out that this major was intended for future SLPs or audiologists. This made me really excited. I had been encountered, in the past, with a SLP from my hometown; I thought his job was really intriguing. I really respected him, because he seemed to help out a lot of children. However, at the same time, I wondered if I wanted to work with children. After class, I came home and starting looking up information on the role of a SLP; I was amazed with the results. I think, as we mentioned during the MOO, that the media sometimes focuses on children with communication disorders, instead of discussing the general population. For this reason, I feel I automatically just assumed that SLPs only worked with children. When I read information on how SLPs work with people who have traumatic brain injuries, the elderly, etc., I really became interested. I have always, deep down, had a real passion to work with the elderly. At this point, I thought what seemed, at first, to be coincidently for me to pick this of all majors until I decided what I really wanted to do, was actually an omen. In addition, the fact that this career allows so much flexibility in the work place is just an added extra:)

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Week Two...Time Does Not Stop!

As week three is almost underway, I am beginning to feel very anxious. It just seems like there is just so much material and so little time. I am becoming a little overwhelmed and tired. I am not used to starting my mornings as earlier as I have had to; since I commute, I have to get up rather early for my eight o'clock class. I am not used to my life being on a clock. In the regular term classes, I usually have a break where I can relax for a second, do some homework, etc. However, my summer class schedule is quite the contrary. After my morning class, I go straight to work, in Eastbank, with the exception of Tuesdays (since we have the MOO) and Fridays (I use this day to catch up on things that I just didn't have time to do). When I return home, I eat dinner and then I start on my homework. I must say, I really miss having leisurely time; however, I do like my schedule being tight, because there is no time left for me to procrastinate.

This week, I have noticed that I am constantly tripping over myself. Instead of just getting an assignment completed, I really take advantage of all the options that are available to use by using the net. If I read something interesting in an article, I do web searches to try to find out more information about the subject. So, what I think will not take a lot of time to complete, ends up being hours of reseaching information. When this happens, so much time elapses; this can sometimes be a scary factor since I do have a busy schedule. When I am at my computer, it is almost as though, time just stops. It is good that I am really able to obtain and learn a lot of information. However, I am really try to displine myself a little better; otherwise, I will not get my assignments completed. Usually, when I read a text book, newspaper, etc., I take in some, but not all of the information. However, when I read something on the computer, I really take it in. I am not saying that it is always easy to understand all of it, but if I am confused, I will read the material over and over until I feel that I have a good grasp on the information presented. I assume that I am able to do this because I do not pay attention to time. Unlike when I read anything else, other than a book I CHOOSE to read, I constantly look to see what time it is. I guess I just don't get bored as easy when I am using a computer. It is for this fact, I feel I should probably scan material that I need to study to aid for a better study method:)

I think it is funny how you can read the same article more than once, and each time you read it, you are left with a different impression as the time before. This happen to me when I read the articles used to complete assignment 1.1.10. As I read the article on information literacy, my first impression was positive. I thought this is the way learning should be. I thought how Mrs. McComas's class, as well as a few others I have had in the past, are conducted and how it fulfills the principles to generate information literacy. However, after I read the other articles, that discussed the same ideas, I came to a point of bitterness. I thought how there are many teachers in our school systems that deny students of this idea. So, instead of discussing the positive aspects of information literacy, I focused on the negative aspect. I am not usually pessimistic; however, since I did have such a horrible personal experience, I wanted to address the inequlity of information literacy in our school systems. I need to go back and write an essential question. I am still thinking of ways I want to address my question.

In conclusion, this week has been another week of learning lots of new information. The articles are very informative. The only big problem I had this week was subscribing to a mailing list. I kept getting responses that it was unsuccessful. I am going to reread the information on how to successfully subscribe to a mailing list. I am probably making some silly mistake; hopefully, I will be able to get it worked out.

I wish all a very unstressful upcoming week:)

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June 2002
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A Mother's Voice
This piece will be presented to parents of children you suffer from...
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Welcome Everyone! This summer, in
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Honest, Responsible, Energetic, and Cheerful Daughter of encouraging parents who believe...
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